The Importance of Website for Business Growth in 2022

A lot of businesses often ask us, “Why do we need a website?”

The answer is simple and the good part is there’s not one but tons of benefits of having a website for your business. Let’s have a look at some of them/

1. Your Website improves credibility of your business

One of the main reasons to have a website for your business is to increase the company’s credibility. In most cases, there are several businesses in the market that are offering products or services similar to yours.

Having an attractive, professional website is the best way to stand out from the competition. A good effective website helps build a strong online presence and helps communicate quality information to your consumers.

Today not having a website may raise a question of its legitimacy. Customers expect legitimate, trustworthy businesses to have a website and social media accounts. A website can be the face of your business, it helps create a strong first impression, builds trust and credibility in the minds of the consumers.

2. Your Website is your online business card

Until 2020, things were normal, people used to go out to look for things they wanted to buy. They would roam across the streets, ask their friends for suggestions, visit different areas to find good-looking shops that would meet their need and help them find the best product. But then the pandemic happened! People weren’t allowed to go out, teenagers were getting lazy anyway.

But does that mean they would stop buying things or looking for the best products?

No, they won’t. And they didn’t.
They moved to a new medium – The Internet. It opened up a lot of opportunities for businesses that already had some presence online and started getting calls and emails from the potential clients.
And we’re not just talking about restaurants, but all kinds. From your average street seller offering pav bhaji to a high-end real estate builder who has developed properties worth crores of rupees, all of them started getting a huge surplus of calls.

In economical terms, we call them ‘the first-mover advantage‘ where they got tons of businesses as they were the first ones to build their own website, market it properly and establish their online presence on time so when the time was right and everyone moved digital, they were the only ones people could find online! Were they the best in their business? Maybe not.

But were they the ones ranking at the top of Google every time someone looked up for the ‘best real state builder in Mumbai’, yes they did!
That’s the benefit of having your own website for your business, it’s like your online business card which Google would distribute to the right people for free!

3. Your Website is your online brochure

Okay, okay, you get an online website and it helps people find you. But so what?

Awesome, you’re curious to know more and I like that! Getting your name online is just the step one, once people land on or whatever your business name is, they want to know more about your business. What do you offer? At what price? Pictures and details of the products you offer.

All of these details are mentioned in an attractive way when you get yourself a website for your business. And all of this acts like an online brochure which looks equally attractive and if done right, it’s something that people are willing to read and explore!
The best part is you can even include videos and voice-overs with crazy animation and graphics which you can’t add in your offline brochures so technically, it’s even better than your offline flyers/brochures.

Add some customer reviews too on top of it to build trust and you get brownie points for doing that!
Want to go even further? Go ahead and add some suggestions and tips to problems your customers generally face, something that will genuinely help them and they will fall in love with your brand!

4. Your Website is your online salesperson

With all the details and prices of your products/services mentioned on your website, your visitor now knows who you are, what you do and what kind of offerings you have.

So, the website is acting as a salesperson for your business which doesn’t even charge incentives for closing the sale. 😛
You always have the option to mention your phone number and email address of your business so the interested users can reach you out to discuss more details.

Some businesses also put a contact form option on their website and some add a ‘Live Chat’ option to allow users to contact them instantly if they have any queries regarding the business.
All these are called ‘Call-to-Action’ elements on the page to help you convert the visitor into a customer.

5. Your Website is your Online Store

All the details regarding your products and services have been mentioned on your brand new website.

Some people are also visiting and checking them out, and maybe they are calling you as well showing their interest. But is this all we can do with the website?

Nope, not at all. An online website opens up your door to infinite possibilities of expanding your business and increasing your clients. To convert the visitor into a customer on your website, you can even introduce an online store directly. This allows the users to place an order for your products directly on your website without calling or emailing you.

The payments will be accepted online through different modes such as debit cards, credit cards, internet banking, UPI, Paytm wallets, and so on. All of this is done automatically without you lifting a finger and once the payment is done, you get the details of what the user has ordered along with the colour preferences, customers’ name, delivery address and you can collect whatever other details you would like to.

Having a website in India for every business is not an option anymore, it is compulsory in 2021 to have an established presence online. This helps you build trust, convert clients better and look like an established brand!

Want a website for your business? Contact us today at +91 8860140005 or and we will take of everything for you!

People call us ‘the best website design agency in Delhi‘ for a reason. 🙂

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