Does Website Hosting Affect Your SEO Performance?

A web host can be a crucial piece of your SEO strategy. Your web hosting service can make or break your SEO efforts. In this article, we will discuss how web hosting affects your SEO. To rank higher on search engines, search engine optimization has to be done by every website. If you want to drive more traffic to your website but you’re frustrated because you keep getting SEO reports that say your site speed is not good, then you’ll find your answers in this article that might help you. Site speed is an important ranking factor for SEO. It might be your web host’s fault. Your web host could be screwing up your website’s speed. 

Your web host and where your website is hosted are super important to your SEO because you can do all the things right but if you are dealing with one of the really cheap web hosts and they are putting you on an old server, on a shared server with many other people or on a server that has a small data storage and can’t manage all the clients that are there on your website, that is definitely going to affect your SEO ranking. And there’s nothing you can do about it at that web host. The only thing you can do is leave and find a better web host. User experience matters a lot for search engines and if your site takes too long to load, that’s poor user experience. If your site doesn’t load in seconds, people leave your website so your web host is super important. 


Page load speed is one of the critical factors that search engines use to rank a web page. When we talk about the speed of your website, the first thing that comes to mind is how many seconds it takes to load your website. If it takes only 3 to 4 seconds to load, then there is a high chance of your website ranking on search engines. But if it takes a lot of time to load, then there might be a problem with your web host. In order to rank high your website needs to load fast. A fast-loading website creates a smooth experience for your visitors. This improves SEO in the long run. 

If your web hosting package doesn’t include a website development tool, then your SEO is going to get affected and you might lose your website traffic. Even if your server is good then also you won’t be able to load your website in seconds as your web hosting company doesn’t include certain tools. Before choosing any web hosting company, always make sure that the web hosting package includes SSD storage. It gives you much faster speed and loads your website within seconds. And, if your web hosting package offers you Litespeed technology then also you will be able to load your website much faster than its usual speed. 


In this case, you have to choose the right web server location as web host location also affects your SEO in many ways. Always choose the web server of the country whose audience you want to target. But if you want to target an audience globally, then your web hosting package must have a CDN. It is a content delivery network that gives you better power and your audience will be able to get better speed out of it. CDN helps you reach people globally and expand your business website to millions of users.

 If your web hosting package doesn’t include SEO, then you might not be able to reach people who are out of your web server’s reach. This might bring a decline in your website traffic and affect your SEO ranking. You need to choose the right server location to increase your website traffic and for this, your package must have a CDN, so it is advisable to think and research before going for any web hosting package. Choosing the right web server is a complicated task but CDN makes it all easier for you as it helps you reach a wider audience.


Website security is one of the most important factors that can affect your SEO ranking. When we talk about website security, the concept that comes up is an SSL certificate. If your website is HTTPS-based, then it might have a better ranking on search engines as HTTPS-based websites and SSL certificates are the top considered ranking factors. Google’s recent update states that if your website is not SSL-secured, it will be visible on your website that it is not secured. 

As per Google data, over 70% of users are actually using HTTPS-based websites. In today’s world, you will be able to see that an SSL certificate is not a necessity, it’s a norm. All premium hosting services offer an SSL certificate for your website. SSL encrypts the exchange of information between a user’s browser in your server and builds trust with your visitors. SSL is an important ranking signal so make sure your web hosting package includes an SSL certificate if you want to rank higher on search engines. Without SSL, your website is not secured and it might hamper your SEO rankings. 


The quality of your hosting service dictates the availability of your website. If your website is down for a long time, it will hamper your user experience and negatively affect the ranking of your website. These days, people don’t have the patience to wait for your website to reboot or load, they leave immediately if your website is not available within the seconds they open it. Your website should be available at the time users open it so a good hosting service is mandatory to keep your website running all the time.

 If your website runs smoothly all the time, then your website might rank higher on search engines which is super beneficial for your business. A good web hosting package has all the tools and services that would help your website rank higher on search engines so it is important to research before spending all your money on useless web hosting servers. If you want to attract users globally, then your website shouldn’t be down for a long time as it would lead to people leaving your website and not visiting it again. It will bring a decline in your SEO rankings and your business growth. 


Regardless of how influential your brand is, you can lose data at any point in time. To protect your business and your website from these mishaps, it’s vital to have a backup of your website. If your web hosting server offers data backup and you lose your data, your business and your website will get back on track after minor changes. Otherwise, you might need to start from beginning. So it is advisable to make sure your web hosting plan offers a data backup feature, so you don’t need to worry about losing your data. 

If you have a backup available with you all the time of all your content, then you can easily restore it anytime. It is a crucial factor that you should consider before buying any web hosting service. It will save you time and money. External applications can also help you back up your data. These days many companies offer data backup softwares both paid and free and we can use them as per our requirements but it’s convenient to have your web host server provide you with this service. 


Web hosting has become a commodity for all of us. Everybody’s trying to get the cheapest price for web hosting. As a business owner, you probably took the best price because they convinced you about all their technical tools. You should do your research before falling into any of these traps as your website is the primary marketing channel for your business. You must consider all these factors so that your SEO doesn’t get affected as these are the most crucial aspects of your website that can affect your SEO ranking. Your web hosting package must include all these services, then only your website can rank higher on search engines, as you will drive more traffic to your website and your business will expand globally. Don’t go for the cheapest options available, go for the best features to get good and effective results.

Also Read: Best Web Hosting Services For Businesses

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